Lab 2 - Tables

Pre-Lab Preparation

Before starting this lab, it is important that you have installed Putty, FileZilla (or WinSCP), and Visual Studio Code with the associated plugins. You should have successfully connected to the opentech server, changed your password, and navigated to the folder where your website will be uploaded. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE TO THIS FOR LAB 2 ONWARDS.


You will be creating 2 webpages (index.html and lab2.html) and a css (css/stylesheet.css) for this week, both inside a folder called Lab02 on the opentech server (and inside your local folder as well). Don't forget to add a link on your "My Homepage" to this new lab.


For full marks, your submission must meet the following criteria:


In the external css file:

In the index.html file:

In the lab2.html file:


You are encouraged to navigate through your site clicking on all links and looking at all images to make sure that there is nothing broken. Marks are deducted for each incident in which an image or link is broken on your pages.

REPEAT THIS PROCESS after you publish your site to the opentech server.

No direct submissions will be accepted, all submissions must only be a link to your files on the opentech server. Only files uploaded and working on the opentech server will be graded. No exceptions.